Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hello and I hope all are good ! I am back guys and will be updating and posting much more! 
So, be on the lookout....

Friday, April 8, 2011

FB & Blogger

Hello Everyone, my Beautiful People.... I wish I could link up my FB and Blogger accounts together. If you have a FB account email me at or search Nakias Open Book. I miss you guys....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Nakias Open Book Update and information

Hello Hello Beautiful People.... I am here, have not forgot you. Been very busy and I should hope you still support because I do appreciate you. Peep my new updated video on my mamasgirlalexis blog.

Also check out my FB page: Search for Nakias Open Book

You need to stay in the know.... : )

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nakias Open Book - New Testimonialink Media Programming

Hello Beautiful People, I wanted to share my new adventure with you all. This is a Sample "Promo" of my new and upcoming "Talk Show".... " This is not the Actual Show".................

This is my Talk Show which is called "Open Book".... Just a introduction of what is coming to your eyes and ears soon. I do appreciate your support..... More to come...............!!!!!!

Yes, I am Nakia a.k.a Mamagirlalexis....I am soooo excited.... If you do not have anything Positive or nice to say, then Do not Say it At all.......................................

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Stop Playing

It has been a long time since it has hit me.
Since this opportunity has hit once again, I will come back stronger and ready then I have been in the past....

Let us not play around, I know I want you in many ways then one.
I will and may not keep silent any longer.
I see how you look at me when I walk close or pass by you in the halls.

I see it in your eyes and eyes do not lie.

Scared is UN real in terms as time goes by, because it is long over due.

I want to seduce you....

Time to stop playing....

Friday, May 14, 2010



I know I have been missing in action ( MIA ). I will be back soon to write, write and write!

Have a great, safe and blessed weekend!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Eyes of God

I have a great poem that a friend/co-worker allowed for me to read and then she passed this great poem out to each co-worker on our team. I would like to share this poem with you all because it is uplifting and very inspirational.

* His eyes are looking to and fro seeking whom he can send a blessing to.
He looks upon us so lovingly.
The eyes that watch over our souls are happy, angry and sometimes sad.
God's eyes see the beginning and the end of our lives.
They are the windows of our soul.
Will we touch his heart enough that the course of our life will change?
Will we recognize that he knows all and see's all.
Will our discernment let us recognize what he is seeing is me?
He watches as his children live a life before him with no thought that it pains him to see our conduct.
We have no appreciation of the great sacrifice of his son Jesus so that we can be free of the curse of the forbidden tree. What we have given in return is to live our lives in a manner we see fit.
Decisions made without thinking and praying about it; because we have forgotten to seek him for an answer.
We live our lives on borrowed time not knowing what the next second, minute or hour will bring.
We foolishly think that tomorrow will come because we have been deceived by the enemy.
We fail to pray to him during our quiet time.
We say we have the faith of a mustard seed. How is that true when we have removed ourselves from prayers? Yet GOD watches with patience and in awe and in anticipation that we will change. We take his precious love for granted by thinking he owes us more.
We in our selfishness do not stop to ask him "God" can I do anthing for you.
Not a moment passes that he does not love us.
Did you know that every pain we feel he feels it also?
It is just something so tangible about his love.
When I think of his goodness and all that he has done for me it makes me want to dance, shout and scream hallelujah. The question is why can"t we do more for him?
He desires to see a world harmonized coming together in unity as one.
His love is about giving to the broken hearted and bringing us back to him.
What will it take to make this happen in a world and nation so cruel with no regards tomankind?
We kill the innocent then try to justify it by saying that we are doing his will.
I think of the countless missionaries, the women and childern in the third world countries
such as Sudan.
The ones who are raped and brutally beaten by the ones they should trust the family
members brothers and friends.
The world has no justifiable reason why it continues to turn.
Wake up people can't you see the wars and rumors of wars.
The destruction of earth quakes in places far and near.
The way the seasons are changing and it is called global warming.
Well from what I have read int the great book it is called the last days.
What if God decided to close his eyes for a minute from all the sickness and shame?
It saddens the heart of God so that he weeps, watches and waits.
He is waiting for the ones that are willing to stand up and hold the blood stained banner.
To shout from the mountain tops that for God I'll live and for him I will die.
To teach the word in places that others are not willing to go.
He commands us to love one another and expects nothing less.
His love for us is unconditional that is why his eyes rest on this great nation.
What are you willing to do to bring joy and laughter into the eyes of God?

This is dedicated to the father of this Universe my true love above our Father that sits high and looks down low.

Written By: Ms. A

I hope all of my Beautiful People like this great poem....

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Poetry /Story

I want to share something with all my beautiful people because I cannot keep this feeling in any longer.

I am in lust with someone and I just do not know what to do about it.
I have met this guy back in August of 2009 and it is a need of physical contact.
At this time I do not want a relationship and do not think a sex relationship can turn into anything more then just a fun and sex ship.

I could be wrong about that and if I am please feel free to let me know.

I know I want to just taste his lips and see how his skin feels next to mines. I want to have a little more then sex with him, I want to hang out and enjoy each other's company, I want to have things in common to laugh about. I want to be his friend, a friend that respects each other and be able to compliment each other's need in sex. I want a friend with benefits with this man, I guess that would the correct term for it.

When my eyes meet yours

I knew right then and there that I wanted to lust you

May even sound cliché or a statement from a novel

This is a true story and it happens with a couple of men and if lucky

then several men through out life

I know my body aches for you, to touch you

Only to be a hand on my mid back, only to glide up to the nape of my neck

Ok, ok I did just say a touch but S**T

I want to feel your skin next to mines

Your lips that remind me of where I want to be

Go for it mamas girl, as my friends say

Girl, you are depriving yourself

Easier said then done

I'm not as bold as I can be

Maybe depriving myself of my sex drive

Then again I remind myself that he is taken

But I lust and ache for him

I get silly, even warm and freaking fuzzy inside

Makes me think of this poem

Missed Lust

I recognize you, where have you been?
I ask while I strap my legs around your waist
You grab the back of my head
While I bite your lip

My back against the wall
My nipples stand to your attention

Your hands begin to rub my moistness
I gasp as you kiss my breasts
My body moving to mask your rhythm
Our bodies have taken over

Pleasant Joys we are reaching
You begin tracing my nipples
While I suck your neck
We then eye to eye
Until you seen the whites of mines

As we both dropped to the floor

Poem written by: Mamasgirlalexis (me)

Ok, back to my poetry/story

Not elementary at all

This S**T here is real and I suppress this lust

Ok, maybe I go in for a one night stand

NO, no that is not me

I am no one night stand type of lady

I am not an easy catch, just a woman that has needs and don't meet many men that

make me feel this way.

I am a lady that CARRIES herself of such

Ok, ok I will make it happen
Go to him, pull him to the side but do I say I just want to F**K him

No, no that isn't me

OK, ok I want to sex you

No, no sounds corny

Ok, ok ask to lust him

No, no that is whack

Ok, ok just be me, a lady that is sexy, silly and playful

Ask for the number?

No, no again because he has a lady

That reminded me to just suppress, suppress and suppress my sexual desire for him

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Dad for the moment

I was born a newborn only to be without a dad
I had a father which is not in dear
A dad that wasn't there for me when I cry at night
Only to hear my mommy's voice that would relax me
My father only to be a dad for a moment

Was that possible?

Heard of the stories on how he would take me out of my play pen
Because I would wait up for my dad for the moment to come in
I would sleep along side my parents only for him to leave again

I heard that we would take walks to the store of holding my dad for the moment hand
I know of the special nick name for me(Kico)
Which I hold very dear for a lifetime

I heard of stories that he would fix my favorite finger food for me
which consist of bologna and crackers and the raw hot dogs

I heard and heard of stories that I wish I could remember
Only to be so young and my dad to be was only for a moment

Hoping of one day recapturing those moments that was suppose to be
Not old enough to remember the stories

I wanted to have my dad for the moment only to be the last conversation we would have

He is no longer here for me to ask the questions that needed to be answered
I have let go of the non forgiven and just now realizing that I did have a dad for at least a moment

I love you dad even if it was for just a moment..........

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Getting to Know

Willing and wanting to express myself
Not sure on how far to go
How would you conceive me
Am I not aggressive enough, Am I too aggressive
Do I play and clown around too much
Of only not being considered or knowing when I am serious

What is it really that you want to know about and of me
I can tell you that I am and can be stubborn
While I love a great debate and disagreement
I love a challenge but not too much of a challenge
I like to be understood and giving attention
I like to cuddle to a good movie and to be kissed in areas of untouched

I know you would like for me to go on here, just a little answer to my mystery of have and have nots
Stick around you would know and learn plenty
Getting to know a new person is fun and should be that way
Until you hear the concerns and opinions of what to say and not to say
Ooooooh if you say that then he will run away
Oh No, don't do that then he will run away
What! You know that is not the rule of the game
OK, why did you do and say that, now he will not return your call

Can it be easy of just being self, say and do what we want
Can we express without being taking wrong, or too needy, I agree that some women can be too Damn needy....

Be impressive and expressive without saying we are crazy
Can we just be who we are and not plastered or labeled as she is just a woman

How about a woman that wants to be recognized as a Great Women
How about a woman that wants a little affection of love or sometimes a little more
How about being respected and leaned on just a little
How about just being the Greatest Woman that I can I be
A Friend, Wife and Mother, see you know just a little more about me
Stick around for more to explore

Now, how about you?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I would like for you to be "My Beautiful People"


I would like to know my readers. Anyone that takes their time out to read my Blogs , you are supporting me.
I do really appreciate you taking the time out to read and getting to know Mamas Girl Alexis.

I do have a link named: "My Beautiful People" located to the Left by clicking on "Follow", you will be my
beautiful person/supporter and I will know who you are.

Note: You Do Not need a Blog in order to be my beautiful person/supporter.

Thank you Future Beautiful Person,
Love Mamas Girl Alexis : )

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Reggie

Today is a day of sadness because as it rains and pours
It is symbolizing our tears showing the fact of us missing you
We had a time of seeing your face and presence to no more
You was the guy that made us laugh to the fake fall that made us cry
I know we had times of surprises, to the slide of rides that threw me and my brother
It was crazy and fun but so was we (crazy Kids)
The smile that made my mom happy
To the animal cookies, that I could not eat any longer (Ate too many)
To the scary and funny night when you lift your daughter to the sky
Oh boy what a fright ( LOL)
I remember that night and I know she does
Baby, it wasnt a giant , just your father darling
Memories is in sight
You will always be remembered Reg
(When we have a weggie, we will think of you)
You will always be missed and loved

Happy Birthday Reggie!!

(Im getting choked up, need to stop)